Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wk 3 Comment2: Amanda Rhymer

Week 3 Reading by Amanda Rhymer. Original post found HERE and below

MAC Week Three: The Way Things Are, and don't forget Rule No. 6!

As I read the next four chapters in The Art of Possibility this week, I couldn't help but reflect upon the discussion board topic that we were also give for this week.  I'm pretty sure Dr. Joe knew what he was doing this week.  Our discussion this week had to do with the barriers to integrating technology in the classroom.  We were supposed to discuss, from our experience, what it is that keeps teachers from embracing new technology.  Our answers varied from time commitment to fear of failure, lack of PD to lack of support from Admin. Since most of us are classroom teachers, we hit probably the top ten roadblocks, easily.  But after the reading this week, my eyes are open to some new possibilities!

In the chapter, The Way Things Are, the authors discuss our tendency to see the negative in a bad situation, instead of seeing it for what it really is...just another situation.  They also discuss the tendency to express problems as a downward spiral, I hear this all the time in the Teacher's Lounge!!  The same teachers who balk at integrating new technology are typically the same people who express their frustration with "these" students, who are always the worst students ever, and Oh! Just wait! The class coming up is the worst EVER!! It's so frustrating, and disheartening, if you buy into all that talk.  Why would anyone ever want to dedicate their lives to teaching? It's much more encouraging to think of these kids as being different from previous generations, not better or worse, and to think of ways to reach them that weren't available in previous generations.

Where are you speaking from:

And finally, lest we all forget, remember Rule No. 6!!

{Not to give it away if you haven't read the book, but Rule No. 6 simply states: Don't take yourself so goddamn seriously!}
{PS: There are NO other rules!}

Response to Amanda Rhymer’s Post found HERE and below

Amanda. I absolutely can understand your frustration when you hear those negative comments about students from other teachers and their warnings about their attitude. I also know that many students who have a tough year feel that their reputation will be following them to the next grade so what is the use to try and change. Because of this I tell my new incoming students on the first day that we are all starting on a fresh slate. I tell my students That I don’t care if you won state science fair or were sent to the principal’s office five times last year, you are all starting on a level playing field. I feel that by doing this the students who feel that they have a BAD reputation with teachers will be able to work with me and work hard for them.

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