Thursday, May 24, 2012

Wk 4 Wimba: The Art of Possibility

In this week’s Wimba session we were discussing the book The Art of Possibility and compared the meanings of the book with the Power of Positive Thinking.  To me the book The Art of Possibility takes the idea of thinking positive and asks you to do something about it. We do have to think positively, but it is our responsibility to take action on these positive thoughts. This can be done by thinking positively in your workplace by making a difference in your workplace by taking on roles in which you can make your environment better to work in, rather than hoping that your work environment will get better. The key Idea in The Art of Possibility is that we must take action on our positive thoughts and spread the possibilities to those that we have a chance to influence. When asked which chapter meant the most to me I was torn between our discussion in chapter one about the African shoe salesmen and the chapter about rule #6. The shoe salesmen story really hit home because it allowed me to relate the problem they faced of selling shoes to people without shoes, and teaching students who don’t want to learn. It allowed me to see that those who don’t want to learn probably were never given a chance to experience the joy in learning, so as teachers we have the opportunity to introduce something new to students which they never knew existed. Rule # 6 reminded me so much of my grandpa who passed away this month. So much so that as I read this chapter I could not help by joyfully cry in comfort that my grandpa lived his life in correct fashion.

Thank you so much for the recap of the  Leadership project and for giving us a preview/rundown of what to expect during month 12 of our EDMT program.


  1. Joe,
    One of the main reasons that I decided to do this program was to make a difference in my school community. I was tired of watching presenters come in to show us technology which in their mind was printing information on transparencies and using the overhead projector. I had already learned how to operate the sound system so we could be heard at assembly. It's amazing how many teachers think they can talk over 300 students. I feel this past year I have made my mark on my school using technology. Every presenter that comes to my school is recommended to see me first and I enjoy helping them make their presentations a success.

  2. Thanks for sharing your journey and a bit of your grandfather's wisdom.
